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How you can support Fides by changing your energy-provider, and how Fides and Polarstern match up together can be answered in short:

Polarstern is Germany's only energy-provider currently offering green electricity and green biogas – and simulataneously is driving energy transition worldwide.


What's special here is: Anyone changing to Polarstern can now help Fides with our projects! Polarstern will donate 25 Euros to Fides for every user opting for their green electricity or green biogas, as long as they use the special code 'Fides' at the time of order. 


But that's not all Polarstern is doing!

When you switch to green energy, a family in Cambodia gets access to cleaner energy. How, you ask? For every person switching to Polarstern's green energy, Polarstern will help a cambodian family with building their own biogas plant and connected toilet. Without complicated technology, thereby simple, robust and low-maintenance. Just like the wells, that Fides helped build in Cambodia! 

Just like us, Polarstern has begun supporting families in Cambodia - among other places in Takeo. 

With your help, we can continue supporting the building of new wells here.

To support us, all you need to do is:

1. Go to

2. Choose the option 'Wirklich Ökostrom' and/or 'Wirklich Ökogas'

3. Type in the special code "Fides".

4. Polarstern will now donate 25 Euro to Fides. 

And we thank you for it!



Hilblestr. 4, 80636 München

Fides e.V. All Rights Reserved

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